Bachelorarbeit, 2013
29 Seiten, Note: 5,00
This text explores the role of the Founding Fathers in shaping the identity and values of the United States. It examines how the Founding Fathers, particularly George Washington, were influenced by historical events and their own personal experiences. The text also considers the impact of the Founding Fathers' actions and ideas on the development of American politics and democracy.
The introduction sets the stage by discussing the importance of understanding the Founding Fathers within their historical context, emphasizing the interplay between elite political views and the evolving opinions of the American people. It also highlights the role of the Founding Fathers in shaping American institutions and principles through their writings and actions. The chapter then explores the nature of American values, tracing their roots to both European heritage and the unique experience of the American frontier. It analyzes how the Founding Fathers embraced and articulated these values in documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Founding Fathers, American values, American identity, Revolution, Enlightenment, political institutions, democracy, historical context, George Washington, American character, legacy.
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