Masterarbeit, 2016
47 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This dissertation examines the challenges and opportunities of aligning biodiversity conservation and carbon storage objectives within ecological restoration projects. It specifically analyzes the case of the Tasmanian Midlands Restoration Programme (TMRP), a large-scale restoration initiative in Tasmania, Australia. The research explores the specific requirements of restoration programmes aiming for carbon storage and biodiversity conservation, identifying areas of overlap and divergence. The study also investigates the role of stakeholder engagement and market-based instruments in promoting the success of such programmes.
This research focuses on the intersection of ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation, and carbon storage. Key terms include: Tasmanian Midlands Restoration Programme (TMRP), carbon sequestration, biodiversity hotspots, stakeholder engagement, market-based instruments, carbon trading, biodiversity trading, land use change, and ecosystem services.
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