Bachelorarbeit, 2017
49 Seiten, Note: 1,0
1. Introduction
1.1. The Importance of Intercultural Competence
1.2. Purpose of the Report
2. Intercultural Training
2.1. Attrition and International Assignment Failure
2.2. Process of Enculturation
2.3. Development and Purpose of Intercultural Trainings
2.4. Basic Training Design
3. Theoretical Foundation of Role Plays
3.1. Description of Role Play
3.2. The Learning Process
3.3. The Implementation
3.4. Conditions for Effective Intercultural Training and Role Play
4. Role Play Games and Exercises
4.1. The Contrast-Culture Technique
4.2. Role Plays based on Cards: Barnga and Ecotonos
4.3. BaFá BaFá
4.4. The Albatross
5. Conclusion
I. Index of Figures
II. Index of Tables
III. Index of Literature
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