Doktorarbeit / Dissertation, 1994
77 Seiten, Note: 3.7
This PhD thesis aims to model the kinetic behavior of cellulose during hydrolysis through stochastic simulation. The study focuses on the effects of milling on cellulose depolymerization during cotton acid hydrolysis, investigating how this mechanical pretreatment influences the accessibility of glycosidic bonds and the structure of cellulose.
The first part of the thesis investigates the effects of milling on the rate of cellulose depolymerization during cotton acid hydrolysis. The study analyzes the effects of cotton wax on cellulose depolymerization and the influence of cotton boiling and extraction on the rate of hydrolysis. The experimental results show that milling increases the accessibility of glycosidic bonds and decreases the volume of crystalline regions in cotton, impacting the rate of cellulose depolymerization. The second part of the thesis delves into stochastic modeling of cellulose acid hydrolysis. A Monte Carlo procedure is developed to simulate the process, incorporating the kinetic information and morphological aspects of cellulose. The simulation model considers the cleavage of glycosidic bonds and the degradation of glucose as irreversible reactions in series, and the results demonstrate a good agreement between simulated and experimental data.
The main keywords and focus topics of the text include cellulose depolymerization, acid hydrolysis, stochastic simulation, Monte Carlo method, cotton morphology, milling, wax extraction, glycosidic bond accessibility, kinetic parameters, glucose yield, and cellulose degradation. The study investigates the influence of these factors on the rate of cellulose depolymerization during acid hydrolysis, aiming to develop a comprehensive model for the process.
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