Bachelorarbeit, 2017
40 Seiten, Note: 74
This research paper explores the presence of homosexual instances in Shakespeare's works, specifically focusing on four comedies: "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "As You Like It," "The Merchant of Venice," and "Twelfth Night." The paper examines the different levels of relationships within the plays, considering both the playhouse level, where boy actors were used, and the true-character level, where the hidden identities of characters are revealed. It also analyzes homo-erotic instances in other Shakespearean works, including sonnets and plays like "Romeo and Juliet," "Henry IV and V," "Troilus and Cressida," "Othello," "Timon of Athens," and "Tragedy of Coriolanus."
The paper explores themes of sexuality, gender, identity, and theater history. It analyzes the use of boy actors in Elizabethan theater and examines how Shakespeare's plays contribute to contemporary discussions about LGBTQ+ issues.
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