Masterarbeit, 2018
77 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis aims to explore the portrayal of young women in the films Clueless, The Virgin Suicides, Lost In Translation, and Marie Antoinette, highlighting what distinguishes them from other films of this type and analyzing their continued appeal to female audiences. The work delves into the backgrounds and styles of both directors, Amy Heckerling and Sofia Coppola, and examines the cultural and postfeminist context in which their films were created.
This thesis explores the complex and multifaceted concept of girlishness in contemporary cinema. Key themes include postfeminism, female agency, female subjectivity, visual representation, costume and fashion, feminine aesthetics, and feminist film theory. The work analyzes the films of Amy Heckerling and Sofia Coppola, focusing specifically on Clueless, The Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, and Marie Antoinette.
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