Masterarbeit, 2013
30 Seiten
This research project explores the role of intrinsic motivation in academic achievement and investigates its impact on high school students' grades. The study seeks to understand how intrinsic motivation influences learning outcomes and to identify factors that contribute to or hinder intrinsic motivation in students.
The research begins by defining intrinsic motivation as an internal drive to engage in learning opportunities for the enjoyment and satisfaction they provide. The study further explores the concept of intrinsic motivation and how it can be nurtured and strengthened in students.
The research investigates different factors that influence intrinsic motivation, such as interest and frustration, and discusses their impact on students' engagement and academic performance.
The research delves into the connection between intrinsic motivation and learning disabilities, focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as a specific example. The study examines how intrinsic motivation can play a crucial role in supporting students with disabilities in their learning journey.
Intrinsic motivation, academic achievement, learning, learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, interest, frustration, intervention, student engagement, educational outcomes.
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