Bachelorarbeit, 2018
74 Seiten, Note: 10,00
This thesis aims to examine the key factors that influence a country's level of development by analyzing various Development Theories and applying them to Romania's past and present context. It focuses on how these theories have shaped the country's economic, political, social, cultural, and ecological progress. The objective is to determine Romania's current development status and identify significant trends that influence its advancement.
Chapter I provides an overview of the six main Development Theories presented in the literature. This chapter analyzes each theory in detail, including the Stages of Growth Model, Structural Change Theories, International Dependence Theories, Liberal Theories, the Exogeneous Growth Model, and the Human Development Approach. It also examines the concept of sustainable development, emphasizing its importance in achieving balanced national progress.
Chapter II delves into a comprehensive analysis of Romania's development status, applying the Development Theories from Chapter I to the country's context. The chapter examines the economic, political, socio-cultural, and ecological domains of sustainable development, analyzing Romania's progress and challenges in each area. It considers various statistical data and bibliographical information to provide a nuanced understanding of Romania's position on the development spectrum.
The thesis focuses on key concepts like Development Theories, Romania's development, sustainable development, economic growth, political systems, social and cultural factors, environmental sustainability, and the influence of foreign investment and entrepreneurship on national progress.
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