Masterarbeit, 2018
118 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This thesis investigates the impact of nuclear quadrupole moments on the low-frequency elastic and dielectric susceptibility of a polymer glass at low temperatures. The study aims to understand the role of these moments in the glass's dynamic behavior and to explore the interplay between nuclear quadrupole moments and atomic tunnelling systems.
The first chapter introduces the topic and outlines the motivations behind this research. Chapter 2 provides a theoretical background on low-temperature dynamics in glasses, including the standard tunnelling model and the role of nuclear quadrupole moments. The experimental methods used in this thesis are detailed in Chapter 3, focusing on the preparation of the polymer glass sample and the measurement techniques for elastic and dielectric susceptibility. Chapter 4 presents the results of the measurements and their analysis, comparing them with the predictions of the standard tunnelling model and exploring the impact of interactions between nuclear quadrupole moments and atomic tunnelling systems. Chapter 5 discusses the validity of the data, interprets the results, and compares them to related work in the field. Finally, the thesis concludes with a summary of the findings and outlines future directions for research.
This research focuses on the impact of nuclear quadrupole moments on the low-frequency elastic and dielectric properties of a polymer glass at low temperatures. The primary keywords and concepts include: glass transition, tunnelling model, atomic tunnelling systems, nuclear quadrupole moments, hyperfine splitting, resonant susceptibility, relaxation processes, dielectric function, elastic susceptibility, and low-temperature physics.
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