Masterarbeit, 2015
90 Seiten, Note: 9.44
This report examines the seismic behavior of multi-storey buildings equipped with damping devices strategically placed within the lateral load resisting elements. The primary objective is to investigate the effectiveness of Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVDs) in retrofitting existing buildings and enhancing the seismic performance of new construction. The study focuses on utilizing these passive energy dissipation devices to transform wall panels into damping elements, ensuring seismic safety.
This chapter provides an overview of the study, addressing the problem of seismic vulnerability in tall structures and the importance of retrofitting. It outlines the modes of failure in RC shear walls, various retrofitting techniques, and the motivation behind this specific study. The objective and organization of the report are also presented.
This chapter presents a comprehensive review of existing literature on the topic. It introduces the project title and explores various research findings related to seismic retrofitting techniques for RC shear walls, particularly focusing on the application of fluid viscous dampers. The chapter concludes with a summarized outcome of the literature review.
This chapter delves into the methodology employed in the study. It describes the modeling approach, the specific structures analyzed, and the selection of ground motions for the time history analysis. The chapter details the inclusion of FVDs in the model and the variation of their configuration and placement to assess their effectiveness.
This chapter presents the results and analysis of the seismic performance of the structures with and without FVDs. It examines the impact of different damper configurations on peak storey displacements, roof accelerations, and pseudo spectral accelerations. The chapter discusses the findings for various building configurations, including nine-story structures with cut-outs and 2D and 3D structures with core walls.
The key focus areas of this study encompass seismic retrofitting, reinforced concrete shear walls, Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVDs), passive energy dissipation, seismic performance, time history analysis, peak storey displacements, pseudo spectral accelerations, roof accelerations, damper configuration, damper placement, and damping coefficient.
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