Masterarbeit, 2012
39 Seiten, Note: Super Distinction
This thesis examines Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 328 [1993], the first constitutional court decision in Taiwan specifically addressing the application of the political question doctrine. The thesis explores the circumstances surrounding the decision and analyzes the factors that influenced the court's decision to apply the doctrine. It aims to provide a critical analysis of Taiwan's judicial review system and the role of the Judicial Yuan in interpreting the constitution.
The main keywords and focus topics of this thesis include the political question doctrine, judicial review, constitutional interpretation, Taiwan's Judicial Yuan, territorial disputes, judicial behavior, and strategic decision-making. It analyzes the role of the Judicial Yuan in interpreting the ROC Constitution, specifically examining the case of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 328 [1993], which addressed the territorial disputes and introduced the political question doctrine into Taiwan's legal system.
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