Bachelorarbeit, 2010
29 Seiten, Note: 70
This research project aims to investigate the fabrication of microcontainers using polypyrrole through a simple electrochemical method. The study focuses on electropolymerizing pyrrole around hydrogen bubble templates formed on gold surfaces and around n-decane templates on highly oriented pyrolitic graphite and thiol-coated gold surfaces. The research also aims to identify the relationships between polymerization conditions and the resulting microcontainer shapes.
This research project focuses on the electrochemical fabrication of microcontainers using polypyrrole, utilizing hydrogen bubble and n-decane templates on gold, highly oriented pyrolitic graphite, and thiol-coated gold surfaces. Key themes include electropolymerization, microcontainer morphology, electrode materials, surface hydrophobicity, and the impact of experimental conditions on microcontainer formation.
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