Bachelorarbeit, 2019
55 Seiten
This study aimed to investigate students' perceptions of the factors contributing to poor academic performance in business education within tertiary institutions in Anambra State. The research sought to identify these factors, assess the impact of inadequate resources, and determine the role of student interest (or lack thereof) in influencing performance.
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION: This introductory chapter sets the stage for the research, outlining the background of the study concerning poor performance in business education in Anambra State's tertiary institutions. It clearly articulates the problem statement, specifying the research's objectives and its overall significance. The scope of the study is defined, and the key research questions guiding the investigation are presented. This chapter lays the foundation for the entire research endeavor, providing context and direction for the subsequent chapters.
CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE: This chapter delves into existing literature relevant to the study's focus. It explores the conceptual framework of business education, examining relevant theoretical and empirical studies. The review synthesizes previous research findings on factors affecting student performance in business education, providing a theoretical underpinning for the current study's investigation. The chapter concludes with a summary of the literature review, highlighting key themes and gaps in the existing knowledge base that the present study aims to address.
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHOD: This chapter details the research methodology employed in the study. It describes the research design, the specific areas of study within Anambra State, and the population of students involved. The chapter provides a comprehensive account of the data collection instrument (a questionnaire), its validation process, the data collection methods, and the statistical techniques (mean) used for data analysis. The rigorous description ensures transparency and allows for an evaluation of the study's methodological rigor.
Student performance, business education, tertiary institutions, Anambra State, inadequate facilities, teaching methods, teacher qualifications, student interest, academic achievement.
This research investigates students' perceptions of factors contributing to poor academic performance in business education at tertiary institutions in Anambra State. It aims to identify these factors, assess the impact of inadequate resources, and determine the role of student interest in influencing performance.
The key themes include factors influencing poor academic performance in business education, the impact of inadequate facilities and resources, the role of student interest, the effectiveness of teaching methods, and the influence of teacher qualifications.
The preview includes summaries of Chapter One (Introduction), Chapter Two (Review of Related Literature), and Chapter Three (Research Method). It also provides a table of contents outlining all chapters.
Chapter One sets the context by providing background information on poor performance in business education in Anambra State. It defines the research problem, objectives, significance, scope, and research questions.
Chapter Two explores existing literature on business education, reviewing relevant theoretical and empirical studies. It synthesizes previous research findings on factors affecting student performance and highlights knowledge gaps the study addresses.
Chapter Three details the research methodology, including the research design, study area, population, data collection instrument (questionnaire), validation process, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques (mean).
Keywords include student performance, business education, tertiary institutions, Anambra State, inadequate facilities, teaching methods, teacher qualifications, student interest, and academic achievement.
The specific research design used is described in Chapter Three, but is not explicitly stated in this preview.
Chapter Three indicates that the mean was used as a statistical technique for data analysis.
The target population consists of students at tertiary institutions in Anambra State.
The significance is explained in Chapter One, focusing on the importance of understanding and addressing poor academic performance in business education in Anambra State.
The complete research document would provide detailed information not included in this preview.
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