Bachelorarbeit, 2020
139 Seiten, Note: 1.3
This thesis investigates player growth systems in video games, focusing on their design, implementation, and impact on gameplay. It explores the importance of growth as a core game mechanic and examines how different aspects of player growth, including visual, ability, and emotional development, can be integrated into game design. The project utilizes a third-person action game, Relume, as a case study to demonstrate the practical application of these concepts. This study aims to provide a framework for understanding player growth systems and to contribute to the development of engaging and enriching gameplay experiences.
This thesis begins by introducing the project and its goals. The project aims to analyze player growth systems and implement them in a third-person action game called Relume. Chapter 2 provides a literature review, exploring relevant concepts such as black and white thinking, systems theory, and the distinction between player and player character. Chapter 3 focuses on the design of player growth systems, defining and analyzing different aspects of growth, including visual, ability, emotional, and audio-based growth. The chapter also discusses combining multiple aspects of growth and addressing issues like player regression and growth plateauing. Chapter 4 delves into the specific implementation of player growth systems in the Relume project. This includes outlining the overall structure, exploring the game's mechanics, and showcasing how growth mechanics are integrated into the game's combat, movement, and storytelling.
Chapter 5 details the technical implementation of the player growth systems, covering areas like visual growth, player abilities, animations, audio programming, and communication of game mechanics to players. Chapter 6 outlines the measurement approach used to assess the impact of the player growth systems. This involves various testing methods, including general playtests, online growth testing, and questionnaires. Chapter 7 presents the data results from the various tests conducted, focusing on early survey data, late production survey data, online growth survey results, and data collected through Unity analytics. Chapter 8 evaluates the data results and discusses their connection to the thesis goals, exploring survey methodology and data analysis techniques.
Chapter 9 delves into a discussion of the findings regarding player growth systems, drawing conclusions based on the data analysis and highlighting limitations of player growth systems. It also addresses inherent problems that arise in their implementation. Chapter 10 reflects on the project as a whole, discussing areas of missing research, lessons learned throughout the development process, and evaluating the team's performance.
This thesis focuses on player growth systems, analyzing their design, implementation, and impact on gameplay, with a particular focus on third-person action games. Key concepts include visual, ability, and emotional growth, as well as the interplay between player and player character. The study utilizes the Unity game engine for implementation and investigates the impact of growth mechanics on player engagement and gameplay structure through user testing and analytics.
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