Masterarbeit, 2019
106 Seiten, Note: 1,0
This study aims to examine the phenomenon of populism by comparing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Law and Justice (PiS) parties. It explores the ideological approach to populism and its application to right-wing populist parties. The study aims to understand the populist transformation of these parties and analyze the determinants of voting behavior based on ideological core. The study seeks to uncover commonalities and differences between the two parties, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of populism in a comparative context.
The study begins by outlining the conceptual framework of populism, discussing its origins and various approaches to its study. It then delves into the specific case of "new populism," emphasizing its characteristics and contemporary relevance. Chapter 2 compares the AfD and PiS, examining their respective political systems and the role of populism in their development. This chapter analyzes how both parties, despite their differences, exhibit populist traits, highlighting the distinctive features of populism in each case. Chapter 3 adopts a quantitative approach to analyze the relationship between ideology and voting behavior for both parties. It utilizes a binominal logistic regression to investigate the determinants of voting, including personal traits, and examines the impact of populist attitudes on voting decisions.
The study focuses on the concept of populism, examining its connection to right-wing ideologies and its influence on the AfD and PiS parties. It investigates voting behavior, ideological determinants, and comparative analysis within the context of populism. Key terms include: populism, right-wing, ideology, voting behavior, comparative study, populist moment, logistic regression, AfD, PiS, and political systems.
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