Masterarbeit, 2019
65 Seiten, Note: 10
This study examines the relationship between food and energy security and political stability. It aims to understand the effects of these factors on conflict management and to provide empirical evidence for the nexus between them. The study utilizes panel data analysis to investigate the impact of food security, as proxied by food deficit, and energy security, as proxied by energy imports, on political stability. This research seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between these factors and their implications for global stability.
The first chapter introduces the topic of food and energy security and their potential impact on political stability. The second chapter provides a comprehensive review of the existing literature on energy security, food security, and political stability, exploring both theoretical and empirical findings. This chapter lays the foundation for the research by highlighting key concepts and existing research gaps. The third chapter outlines the research design, including the hypothesis, methodology, data sources, and variables used in the study. This chapter delves into the specific analytical approach employed to investigate the relationships between the variables of interest.
The study focuses on the relationship between political stability, food security, and energy security. It employs panel data analysis to investigate the impact of food deficit and energy imports on political stability. The study also considers the role of economic growth, tourism, institutional quality, corruption, and arable land scarcity in influencing political stability. Key concepts include the nexus between food and energy security, conflict management, and the impact of these factors on global stability.
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