Bachelorarbeit, 2020
47 Seiten, Note: 87.2
This final year project aims to develop a comprehensive course selection management system for Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST). The system is designed to streamline the course selection process for students, provide lecturers with access to relevant data, and simplify administrative tasks for the university. This system aims to address the challenges associated with manual course selection and registration, offering a user-friendly and efficient solution.
Chapter 1 introduces the background and context of the study, highlighting the growing importance of online systems in education. It then outlines the problems associated with manual course registration, setting the stage for the project's objectives.
Chapter 2 delves into related technologies, exploring the advantages of course selection management systems, reviewing similar products, and researching the tools and software used for development.
Chapter 3 focuses on requirement analysis, outlining the methodology for developing the system, including requirements, design, implementation, testing, installation, and maintenance.
Chapter 4 discusses system design, presenting charts, diagrams, and data dictionaries, and elaborating on functional and non-functional requirements.
Chapter 5 details the implementation of the system, describing functionality achievement, system modules, and user manual explanations for students, lecturers, and administrators.
Chapter 6 explores the system testing process, outlining test methods, test processes, and a summary of the testing results.
The key focus areas of this project include online course registration, course selection management, student information systems, database management, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, HTML, JavaScript, and system design and implementation. This project showcases the application of these technologies to create a user-friendly and efficient solution for managing course selection processes in an academic setting.
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