Masterarbeit, 2015
85 Seiten, Note: 16/20
This thesis aims to explore the level of support Belgian citizens have for the Belgian federal system, particularly focusing on the impact of regional separateness on diffuse support. It investigates the validity of using support for the division of competences as an indicator for diffuse support in this context. The research aims to understand the factors that influence citizens' views on the division of power between federal and regional levels.
The thesis starts with an introduction that highlights the relevance of studying diffuse support within the context of Belgian federalism. The second chapter discusses the challenges of operationalizing diffuse support and explores the potential of using support for the division of competences as a valid indicator. The research design is presented in the third chapter, outlining the research question, goals, and key considerations. Chapter four delves into the specific case of Belgian federalism, providing a historical context and examining the country's unique federal system. The fifth chapter focuses on conceptualizing diffuse support and operationalizing the concept of division of competences. Chapter six explores various predictors of diffuse support, including political knowledge, ideology, regional identity, and interregional contact. The seventh chapter presents the methodology and results of the study, examining the impact of region and other factors on support for the division of competences. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the findings, limitations, and future research directions.
This study focuses on the concepts of diffuse support, Belgian federalism, and the division of competences. It investigates the influence of regional identity, political knowledge, and ideology on citizens' attitudes towards the federal system. The study uses a quantitative approach to analyze data from the Partisanship and Representation survey, exploring the validity of support for the division of competences as an indicator for diffuse support.
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