Masterarbeit, 2020
59 Seiten, Note: 1,7
This dissertation aims to explore the role of big data in cardiology, specifically focusing on its impact on the prediction, prevention, and management of cardiovascular diseases. It analyzes the potential benefits and challenges associated with using big data in this field, drawing insights from a comprehensive literature review and qualitative expert interviews.
The introduction lays out the purpose, research questions, justification, scope, and limitations of the study. It also defines big data, explores its sources, and discusses techniques, tools, and applications in the healthcare sector. The methodology chapter outlines the methodological tradition, approach, data collection methods, and analysis techniques applied in the research. It also addresses the validity, reliability, generalizability, and ethical considerations of the study. The results chapter presents findings from the literature review and qualitative interviews, analyzing the impact of big data on prediction, prevention, and management of cardiovascular diseases. It also explores emerging trends and challenges associated with implementing big data in cardiology. The discussion chapter further analyzes the findings, providing insights into the potential benefits and limitations of using big data in this field.
The key focus areas of this research are big data, its application in healthcare, and its specific role in cardiology. The research explores the use of big data in predicting, preventing, and managing cardiovascular diseases. The study investigates the use of information systems and information and communication technology (ICT) to analyze healthcare data. The study also focuses on the challenges related to implementing big data in cardiology, including data security and privacy concerns.
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