Bachelorarbeit, 2015
34 Seiten, Note: 1,3
This thesis explores the feasibility of developing innovative transdermal systems (TTS) for the delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) through the skin, specifically focusing on the use of microneedles (MN) to enhance skin permeability. The work aims to test the in-vitro permeability of APIs across perforated and unperforated skin using both traditional adhesive and hydrogel matrices.
This study focuses on transdermal drug delivery, microneedles, skin permeability, in-vitro permeation tests, active pharmaceutical ingredients, hydrogel matrices, and innovative transdermal systems. The research investigates the feasibility of using microneedles in combination with transdermal therapeutic systems to enhance the delivery of large APIs through the skin barrier. The research findings may have significant implications for the development of more effective and convenient drug delivery methods for a wider range of APIs.
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