Diplomarbeit, 2001
80 Seiten, Note: 1,0 (A)
This thesis examines the potential benefits of employing distance-learning strategies within the context of university-level translator education. It explores the evolution of distance education and its application to the changing landscape of the translation profession. The main goal is to present a compelling argument for the incorporation of distance-learning techniques in order to better prepare future translators for the demands of the globalized job market.
This thesis focuses on the key themes of distance education, translator education, technology integration, constructivist learning, and the changing landscape of the translation profession. The work examines the potential benefits of employing distance-learning strategies in various aspects of translator education, highlighting the significance of computer literacy and cultural awareness for professional translators in today's globalized environment. This research seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the effective use of technology in translator education and its impact on preparing students for successful careers in the field.
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